原本以為性交易除罪化可以使處於經濟弱勢的性工作者不致遭受刑事處罰,實際上還有更多問題。辛巴威性交易除罪的結果,使大量的年輕女性甚至是女孩進入交易市場,年長女性因而退出,供給過多的結果導致削價競爭。Malaika Chatyoka,37歲,她抱怨說,她收取的報酬從30分鐘的10美元下跌到2美元。由於沒有警察取締,搶劫及強姦增加了。
Zimbabwe’s Constitutional Court ruled in 2015 that the police could not arrest women for prostitution. At first, sex workers cheered.
Yet there was a catch. Tambudzai Mikorasi, a 40-year-old sex worker, says she may have celebrated too early. Now that the oldest profession has been decriminalised, a flood of young women and girls are joining it and driving down prices. (Jobs of any kind are scarce thanks to Robert Mugabe’s disastrous management of the economy.)
Some veterans have responded by hiring thugs to protect their turf. In return, the men can have sex whenever they want. “We have no option,” says Ms Mikorasi, her muscles flexing as she pulls down her miniskirt. “It has never been this bad. These little girls are pushing us out of business.” Malaika Chatyoka, a 37-year-old, complains that the fee she can charge has slumped from $10 for 30 minutes to as little as $2 on some nights. The price for a full night is down to $10, one fifth of what she used to charge.
She adds that without the police paying attention there has been an increase in robberies and rape.
The “Swedish model”, which made buying sex illegal in 1999, is one which should be followed. Norway, Iceland and France have adopted similar models, and the European Parliament has championed it. The Swedish model attempts to wipe out prostitution by reducing demand.
But it is not completely clear that the Swedish model has worked. Those who support decriminalisation—which includes this newspaper, along with many sex workers—point to the fact that pushing prostitution underground can have ugly consequences.
2018年1月8日 星期一
林斯健「便當教授 #BDPro」背景資料---親切 幽默 風趣 好笑!!!未來置頂文
姓名 : 林斯健 綽號 : 便當教授,#BDPro。 ( 因為搭高鐵南來北往愛吃台鐵便當 ) 學歷 : 國防大學法律研究所法學碩士 Email:u6207341@yahoo.com.tw 現任 : .國立空中大學講師、視訊課程分享人 .法院、區公所調解委員 .人權文資...
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